Here's the third and last of my festive "Let's make..." posts for this year and I just might have saved the best till last! So, can you guess what everyday object I used to make this exquisite garland and sunburst star decoration?
Mayfifth1935 Designs
Artist and poet lives here - please tread lightly
Monday, 21 December 2020
Let's Make... Christmas decorations! PART THREE
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Let's Make... Christmas decorations! PART TWO
In Part One of this festive trio of "Let's make..." posts, I waxed lyrical about how much I love the run-up to Christmas, almost more than the day itself. Those mad festive weeks bursting with late night shopping, 70s & 80s Christmas anthems playing on a loop EVERYWHERE, works parties, putting the decorations up, Sony Movie Channel changing to Sony Christmas Movies, writing cards and packing presents. I just love everything about the build-up.
In Part One I also shared my ideas on making festive paper bunting that really does make the cutest gifts so please take a look. In this post post I'm gong to look at Christmas tree decorations made from a very unusual, everyday item. Take a look, can you guess what the item is?
Saturday, 5 December 2020
Let's Make... Christmas decorations! PART ONE
Ooh it's THAT time of year again! What's even better than Christmas? The lead-up to Christmas of course! This stems from my Dad who always started the festive prep early because finances tended to be a bit tight. Sometime during late August, a shelf would be cleared in the pantry and over the weeks we'd watch with shining eyes as it filled with all manner of indulgent, glittering comestibles like pickles, crisps, nuts, mince pies, sherry, pop and... wonder of wonders... selection boxes! That excitement and anticipation has never left me and in adult life has transformed itself into a more creative outlet, I just LOVE LOVE LOVE doing Christmas craft. This activity is always better and more satisfying if you can use recycled materials and you'll never believe what you can transform with a little imagination. All this brings back memories of coming home from school clutching a festive candle made from a toilet roll, cotton wool and a bit of glitter - anyone else remember those?
This year I have three lovely ideas to inspire you but instead of one great long rambling post, I'm going to spread them over three perfectly formed little posts, and the first of these is...
Miniature festive paper bunting!
I've never made these before but wished I had as they turned out wonderful! Just take a look...
A few years ago, I published two posts on creating Christmas tree decorations from everyday household items and you can read them here:
Let's make... Christmas tree decorations [part1] 2016
Let's make... Christmas tree decorations [part2] 2016
Some of my childhood Christmas memories <3